What Is the Difference Between a WordPress Post and Page?

A WordPress post is a type of content that you publish on your site. A post can be a single article, a blog entry, a photo gallery, a video, or anything else you want to share with your readers.

Pages are a type of content that you can create on your site. Pages are like posts, but they’re a little different.

You can have one or more pages on your site, and each page can have its own unique content.

One big difference between posts and pages is that posts are published as soon as you create them, while pages are not published until you publish them. This means that posts are always available on your site, while pages may not be.

Another difference is that posts have a title and a body, while pages don’t. Pages are just a collection of content, without any kind of structure or organization.

The bottom line is that posts and pages are both types of content that you can create on your WordPress site. They both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in the end they both serve the same purpose: to provide your readers with information and content they can use to help them navigate your site.