What Is Difference Between Post and Page in WordPress?

Post vs. Page in WordPress
A post is a single, unbroken block of content on a WordPress blog, while a page is a collection of posts. Posts are typically listed in chronological order, while pages are often organized into categories or topics.

Pages can also be linked to from posts, and can include images and other multimedia. Posts can have comments attached, while pages do not.

Pages can also have custom menus and widgets, while posts do not. Posts can be edited and revised, while pages cannot.

Pages can be deleted, while posts cannot.

A post can have a title, while a page cannot. A post can have a description, while a page cannot.

A post can have a category, while a page cannot.

Posts can have a maximum length of 4000 characters, while pages have a maximum length of 2500 characters.

A post can have one or more author names, while a page cannot.

Posts can be published manually or automatically, while pages cannot be published automatically.

Posts can be published as soon as they are created, while pages must be published by a WordPress administrator.

Posts can be published as soon as they are published, while pages must be published by a WordPress administrator.

Posts can be published to any WordPress blog or site, while pages are limited to WordPress blogs.

Pages are not associated with a specific blog, while a blog post is. A blog post is associated with the blog that it is published to, while a page is not.

Posts can be shared on social media, while pages cannot.

Pages can be shared on social media, while posts cannot.

Pages can have a comments section, while posts do not.

Pages can have custom menus and widgets, while posts do not.

Pages can be edited and revised, while posts cannot.

Pages can be deleted, while posts cannot.

Pages can have a different name than posts, while posts cannot have a different name than pages.

Pages can be renamed, while posts cannot be renamed.

Pages can have a different categorization than posts, while posts cannot have a different categorization than pages.

Pages can be hidden from view, while posts can not be hidden from view.

Pages can have a different layout than posts, while posts cannot have a different layout than pages.

Pages can be published as articles, while posts cannot be published as articles.

Pages can be published as individual posts, while posts cannot be published as individual posts.

Pages can have a different title than posts, while posts cannot have a different title than pages.

Pages can have a different category than posts, while posts cannot have a different category than pages.

Pages can be published on different days than posts, while posts can only be published on one day per week.

Pages can have a different time zone than posts, while posts can have the same time zone as pages.

Pages can be published asynchronously, while posts cannot be published asynchronously.

Pages can have a different format than posts, while posts cannot have a different format than pages.

Pages can be published in a different language than posts, while posts can be published in the same language as pages.

Pages can be published as a standalone website, while posts cannot be published as standalone websites.

Pages can be published as a part of an existing website, while posts cannot be published as a part of an existing website.

Pages can have a different domain name than posts, while posts can have the same domain name as pages.

Pages can be published to a different domain name than posts, while posts can be published to the same domain name as pages.

Pages can have a.