What’s the Difference Between a Page and a Post in WordPress?

So, what’s the difference between a page and a post in WordPress?

A page is a single page on your WordPress site. A post is a collection of content on one or more pages on your WordPress site.

Posts can be created using the WordPress post editor or the WordPress media plugin.

Pages can have any name you want, but posts must have a title and a body. Posts can have any number of comments, but pages cannot.

Posts can have categories, tags, and custom post types, but pages cannot.

Posts are published asynchronously, which means that they appear on the site as soon as they’re ready. Pages, however, are published synchronously, which means that they appear on the site as soon as you publish them.

Pages are typically used for blog posts, product descriptions, and any other content that is short and to the point. Posts are typically used for long-form content like articles, recipes, and tutorials.

So, there you have it – the difference between pages and posts in WordPress. Pages are for blog posts, while posts are for longer content. Pages are published synchronously, while posts are published asynchronously. Pages can have any name you want, but posts must have a title and a body.

Posts can have any number of comments, but pages cannot. Posts can have categories, tags, and custom post types, but pages cannot. Lastly, posts are typically used for long-form content, while pages are typically used for shorter content.