What Is the Difference Between Post and Page in WordPress?

When you create a post in WordPress, that post is stored on your site as a file. Pages are a different kind of post.

A page is a collection of posts that are displayed on your site as a single unit. Pages are also stored as files on your site. .

The main difference between posts and pages is that posts are static content. Pages are created and updated as needed, but they are not static.

Posts can be edited and modified, but pages cannot.

Another difference between posts and pages is that posts are associated with a specific blog post ID. Pages are not associated with any post ID.

Pages are instead associated with a post’s slug.

The slug is the unique identifier for a post. It is composed of the post’s title, preceded by the post’s date, followed by a hyphen.

For example, the slug for this post is “How to Install WordPress on a Server.” .

Pages are also displayed differently on your site than posts are. Instead of appearing as a list of posts, pages appear as a single entity.

This means that the posts in a page are all displayed in the order that they were added to the page, rather than the order in which they were published.

The final difference between posts and pages is that posts are associated with a specific blog post ID.

So, in summary, posts are static content that is stored on your site as a file. Pages are a different kind of post that is stored on your site as a collection of posts that are displayed on your site as a single unit.

Pages are also associated with a post’s slug, rather than its post ID. Lastly, pages are displayed differently on your site than posts are, and posts are associated with a specific blog post ID.