How Do I Create a WordPress Child Page?

Creating a WordPress child page is a simple task. To create a child page, first go to your WordPress site’s “Settings” page and under ” Pages & Posts “, select the “Pages” tab. Then, under the “Pages” tab, select the “Add New” button. The “Add New” screen will appear. In the “Title” field, type the name of the child page you want to create. In the “Page Title” field, type the title of the child page.

In the “Description” field, type a brief description of the child page. In the “Tags” field, type any tags you want to associate with the child page. In the “Publish” field, choose whether you want the child page to be public or private. Click the “Create” button. The child page will be created and you will be returned to the “Pages” tab. To view the child page, go to the “Pages” tab and select the child page from the list.