How Do I Create a Static Page in WordPress?

Static Pages in WordPress are a great way to keep your website organized and easy to navigate. All you need is a simple plugin and some basic WordPress knowledge.

To create a static page in WordPress, first you’ll need to activate the Static Pages plugin. Once you have done this, you’ll see a new option on the Pages > Pages menu.

Select Static Page and you’ll be prompted to enter a page title.

Next, you’ll need to add some basic information about your page. You’ll need to provide a title and a content area.

The title is used as the page’s main heading, and the content area is where you’ll add your static content.

To add content to your static page, you’ll first need to create a file called content.php.

This file will contain your WordPress content, and you’ll need to include a loop to allow WordPress to display your content multiple times.

To create your content, you can use any of the WordPress content management system (CMS) features. For example, you can use the WordPress built-in editor or a third-party editor such as WordPress Editor.

Once you’ve finished your content, you’ll need to include a link to your static page in your posts and pages. To do this, use the URL tag in your content.php file.

For example, if your static page is located at, you would include the following code in your content.php file:.

Static Page

Finally, you’ll need to add a line to your WordPress configuration file to enable the Static Pages plugin. To do this, open the WordPress configuration file (wp-config.php) and add the following line:

define( ‘STATIC_URL’, ‘’);

With these simple steps, you’ve created a static page in WordPress. Static pages are a great way to keep your website organized and easy to navigate.