How Do I Create a Static HTML in WordPress?

Static HTML in WordPress is a great way to keep your website looking consistent no matter what device someone is browsing on. Static HTML is simply HTML without any dynamic elements, like images or videos.

This means that your website will load faster and be less likely to glitch. To create static HTML in WordPress, follow these steps:.

1. Open your WordPress website in a browser.

2. Navigate to the “Posts” page.

3. In the “Post” tab, click the “Text” button.

4. In the “Text” window, type the following code:

Static HTML in WordPress

This is a static HTML page. It will not load any content from the WordPress database.

5. Click the “Create” button.

6. The “Static HTML” page will be created and will contain your static HTML code.

7. Click the “Publish” button.

8. Your static HTML page will be published and will be available to view on your website.

9. Click the “Back to Posts” button to return to the Posts page.

10. Your static HTML page will remain available on the Posts page until you delete it.