How Do I Create a Static Front Page in WordPress?

Static front pages are a great way to showcase your content and keep your site looking clean and organized. To create a static front page in WordPress, follow these steps:

1. In the WordPress admin area, go to the “Settings” menu and select “Appearance”.

2. Under the “Front Page” heading, click the “Static” button.

3. In the “Static Front Page Settings” screen, you’ll need to provide a title for your page and a description.

You can also choose to display the site’s logo and copyright information.

4. Click the “Save Changes” button to finish setting up your static front page.

5. To view your static front page, go to your WordPress site’s home page and click the “Pages” tab.

Under the “Front Page” heading, you’ll see your new static page listed.

Static front pages are a great way to showcase your content and keep your site looking clean and organized. If you’re looking to create a static front page in WordPress, follow these steps:.