How Do I Add a Custom Function in WordPress?

Adding a custom function in WordPress is easy. To do so, first go to your WordPress admin panel and click on “Appearance” at the top of the page.

On the left-hand side of the screen, under “Functionality,” you will see a list of all the custom functions that are available to you. To add a new function, click on the “add new” button and then enter the following information:.

Name: The name of your function

Description: A brief description of your function

Usage: How your function will be used

Required: Check this box if your function requires a parameter

Optional: Check this box if your function accepts a parameter

Default: Enter the default value for your function’s parameter

Once you have filled out all the necessary information, click on the “save changes” button at the bottom of the screen. Next, you will need to add your function to your WordPress theme.

To do so, go to your theme’s functions.php file and add the following line of code:.

function my_new_function() { }

Finally, you will need to activate your function by adding the following line of code to your theme’s header.php file:

function my_new_function() { // your code here }

Your function is now ready to use!.