How Do I Permanently Delete a WordPress Site?

If you have decided that it is time to permanently delete your WordPress site, there are a few things that you need to do in order to achieve this. The first step is to login to your admin panel and go to Settings >Site Management.

From here, you will need to delete your site by selecting the “Delete this site” button.

Once your site has been deleted, you will need to take some extra steps in order to ensure that your site is completely gone. First, you will need to remove all of the content from the website. This can be done by either deleting the files from your server or by using a content removal tool like Screaming Frog SEO.

After the content has been removed, you will need to delete all of the associated files and folders. This can be done by using a file deletion tool like FileZilla or by using the FTP client that you are using to administer your site.

Finally, you will need to remove all references to your site from the internet. This can be done by using a search engine optimization tool like Google Adsense Remover or by using a URL removal tool like RemoveMe.

After everything has been done, you will be ready to start over with a new WordPress site.