How Do I Install WordPress 5.4 1?

WordPress 5.4 is a minor update that fixes several issues.

To install WordPress 5.4, you can update your WordPress installation using the WordPress plugin or the WordPress core update mechanism.

If you are using a plugin, update the plugin to the latest version. If you are using the core update mechanism, follow these instructions:

To update the WordPress core:

1. Go to your WordPress site.

2. Click the “Updates” link on the main dashboard.

3. On the update page, click the “Download the latest WordPress” button.

4. Go to the downloads folder and double-click the WordPress 5.

4 file.

5. Click the “Install WordPress” button.

6. Enter your site’s administrator username and password.

7. Click the “Activate” button.

8. Go to the “Settings” menu and click the “Security” link.

9. Click the “WordPress” tab.

10. Click the “Activate” button next to the WordPress 5.

4 plugin.

11. Click the “Update Now” button.

12. Click the “Yes, Activate” button to finish the update.

13. Go to the “Appearance” menu and click the “Customize” link.

14. Click the “WordPress 5.

4” tab.


4 theme.



18. Click the “Back to WordPress” button on the update page.

19. Click the “Thank You” button.

20. Click the “Home” button on the updates page.

21. Click the “Add New” link.

22. Type “WordPress” in the “Site Title” field.

23. In the “Description” field, type a brief description of your site.

24. In the “Main URL” field, type the URL of your site.

25. In the “About” field, type a brief description of your site.

26. In the “Author” field, type the name of the person who created the site.

27. In the “Category” field, type the category of the site.

28. In the “Theme” field, type the name of the theme used on the site.

29. In the “Version” field, type the version of the theme used on the site.

30. Click the “Add” button.

31. In the “Site Fields” field, type the name of the site field.

32. In the “Site Contents” field, type the content of the site.

33. In the “Appearance” field, type the name of the theme used on the site.

34. In the “Shortcode” field, type the name of the shortcode used on the site.

35. In the “Options” field, type the name of the option used on the site.

36. In the “Social Media” field, type the name of the social media account used on the site.

37. In the “Categories” field, type the category of the site.

38. In the “Tags” field, type the tags of the site.

39. In the “Privacy” field, type the privacy setting for the site.

40. In the “SSL” field, type the name of the SSL certificate used on the site.

41. In the “Create Now” field, type the name of the new site.

42. In the “Submit” field, type the name of the site.

43. Click the “Create Site” button.





48. Type “WordPress 5.4” in the “.