How Do I Make a Featured Image Smaller in WordPress?

Making a featured image smaller in WordPress can be a bit of a challenge. You can try using a smaller size for your featured image, or using a different image format. Here are some tips to help you make a featured image smaller in WordPress:

1. Use a smaller size for your featured image.

You can try using a smaller size for your featured image, or using a different image format.

2. Use a different image format.

You can use a PNG, JPG, or GIF file for your featured image.

3. Try using a smaller image size.

You can try using a smaller image size for your WordPress blog post, or using a smaller size for your image on your blog.

4. Use a thumbnail.

You can use a thumbnail to display a small version of your featured image on your blog.

5. Use a plugin.

There are several plugins available that can help you make your featured image smaller in WordPress.

6. Use a keyword search.

You can try using a keyword search to find a smaller featured image that corresponds with your blog post.