Can I Make Featured Image Smaller WordPress?

Featuring images prominently on your WordPress website can help convey your brand and message to visitors. However, if your featured image is too large, it can take up a lot of space on your site, and may even obstruct other content.

One way to make your featured image smaller without losing important branding information is to use a featured image slider. A slider lets you display different images as your site’s featured image, and can shrink or enlarge the image as needed.

You can also use a slider to showcase different content on your site, and to keep your homepage looking fresh.

While a slider is an excellent way to make your featured image smaller, it’s not the only option. You can also use a custom logo or avatar as your featured image, or use a featured image plugin to add featured image functionality to your WordPress site.

Whichever method you choose, make sure to keep your branding and message consistent. Otherwise, your featured image could end up taking up more space than it needs to.