How Do I Add Ajax Taxonomies Filter in WordPress?

Adding taxonomies to your WordPress site is easy, and there are a number of plugins and themes that make this process simple. In this article, we’ll outline how to add an Ajax taxonomy filter in WordPress, and provide a conclusion at the end.

To add an Ajax taxonomy filter in WordPress, you first need to create a new file inside your wp-content/plugins folder called taxonomy-filter.php.

This file will contain the code that will create and manage the Ajax taxonomy filter.

Next, you’ll need to add the following lines of code to taxonomy-filter.php:

// Load the taxonomy filters library require_once ‘wp-includes/taxonomy.php'; // Create an instance of the TaxonomyFilter class $filter = new TaxonomyFilter(); // Add the taxonomy to the filter list $filter->addTerm(‘cat’, ‘WordPress’); // Add the filter to the action list $filter->addAction(‘cat’, ‘show’);

The first line of code imports the taxonomy filters library. The second line of code creates an instance of the TaxonomyFilter class.

The third line of code adds the taxonomy ‘cat’ to the filter list. The fourth line of code adds the filter to the action list.

Now, you’ll need to add a function to the wp-content/plugins/taxonomy-filter.php file that will be responsible for managing the Ajax taxonomy filter. The function will need the following three parameters:

the taxonomy name

the term ID

the filter action ID

The function will also need the following two variables:

the current taxonomy state

the current term ID

The function will look like the following:

// Function to manage the Ajax taxonomy filter function manage_filter() { // Get the current taxonomy state $state = get_taxonomy_state(); // Get the current term ID $term_id = get_term_by_id( get_the_ID(), ‘cat’); // Check to see if the term has been filtered out if ($state == ‘filtered’) { return false; } // Set the state to ‘active’ $state = ‘active'; // Set the term ID to the current term ID $term_id = $term_id . ‘_'; }

The manage_filter function will first get the current taxonomy state. The state will be either ‘filtered’ or ‘active’.

If the term has been filtered out, the manage_filter function will return false. The manage_filter function will then set the state to ‘active’ and set the term ID to the current term ID.