How Do I Make Images Smaller on WordPress Mobile?

In order to make images smaller on WordPress mobile, you’ll first need to determine the dimensions of your images. Then, you can use a WordPress plugin or a custom function to resize your images to those dimensions.

Here are a few plugins that can help resize images on WordPress mobile:

WP Smush: This plugin helps optimize images for faster loading times.

Smush Image: This plugin helps optimize images for better compression.

WP Media Library: This plugin provides a custom resizing function for images in the media library.

If you don’t want to use a plugin, you can also resize your images using a custom function. To do this, you’ll first need to determine the dimensions of your images.

Then, you can use the wp_enqueue_image() function to add a custom resize function to your WordPress instance.

Here is an example of how to use the wp_enqueue_image() function to resize images:

// Resize an image function resize_image() { // Get the dimensions of the image $width = get_post_width(); $height = get_post_height(); // Resize the image $image = wp_enqueue_image( ‘png’ , $width, $height ); // Remove the original image from the post wp_dequeue_image( ‘png’ ); }

Finally, you’ll need to add a line to your theme’s functions.php file to enable the resize_image() function:

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_image’, ‘resize_image’ );

Now, you can use the resize_image() function to resize any images in your WordPress mobile theme.