How Do I Display Menu Items Horizontally in WordPress?

Menu items should be displayed horizontally in WordPress, unless they are specifically designed to be displayed vertically. In most cases, menu items should be displayed horizontally in a WordPress menu. To display menu items horizontally in WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Open your WordPress menu in a web browser.

2. Locate the menu item you want to display horizontally.

3. Click the gear icon next to the menu item and select “Customize Menu.”

4. In the “Customize Menu” window, select the “Display” tab.

5. In the “Display” tab, select the “Horizontal” radio button.

6. Click the “Update Menu” button to save your changes.

7. View your updated menu in a web browser.

When displaying menu items horizontally in WordPress, be sure to follow these other tips to make your WordPress site look its best:

1. Use a consistent design style across your WordPress site. Use a single color or style for all of your WordPress site’s content. Use well-organized and easy-to-use content management systems (CMSs) to manage your WordPress site.