How Do I Display the Menu on a WordPress Page?

If you’re looking to display the menu on a WordPress page, you can do so by utilizing a menu plugin such as MenuCandy or Ultimate Menu. Once you’ve installed the plugin and activated it, you’ll need to add a few lines of code to your theme’s functions.

php file. Here’s an example of how you would add the code to display the menu on a WordPress page:.

function my_menu() { // Add the MenuCandy plugin snippet $menu = ‘

  • Home
  • ‘; // Add the Ultimate Menu plugin snippet $menu = ‘

  • About
  • ‘; // Add the menu entries $menu_items = array( ‘Home’ => array( ‘title’ => __( ‘Home’, ‘my_theme’ ), ), ‘About’ => array( ‘title’ => __( ‘About’, ‘my_theme’ ), ), ); // Add the menu links $menu_links = array( ‘Home’ => $menu[‘title’], ‘About’ => $menu[‘title’], ); // Display the menu on the page $menu = $menu_links[‘Home’][‘menu_link’]; echo $menu; }.

    In the above code, we’re first adding the MenuCandy plugin snippet. This will add the necessary lines of code to display the menu on a WordPress page. Next, we’re adding the Ultimate Menu plugin snippet. Finally, we’re adding the menu entries to the menu. The menu entries are an array of objects. The first object in the array is the “title” of the menu item. The “title” property of the object is the text that will be displayed on the menu item. The “url” property of the object is the URL that will be used to display the menu item. The “meta_title” property of the object is the title of the meta tag that will be used to display the menu item’s title. The “meta_description” property of the object is the description of the meta tag that will be used to display the menu item’s description. The “meta_keywords” property of the object is the keywords of the meta tag that will be used to display the menu item’s keywords. The “menu_link” property of the object is the URL that will be used to link to the menu item. The “icon” property of the object is the icon that will be used to display the menu item. The “depth” property of the object is the depth of the menu item. The “children” property of the object is an array of objects that contains the child menus for the menu item. The “children” property of the object is an array of objects that contains the child menu links for the menu item.

    The “parent” property of the object is the parent menu for the menu item. The “parent” property of the object is the parent menu link for the menu item. The “show_in_nav_menu” property of the object is a boolean that indicates whether the menu item should be displayed in the nav menu. The “show_in_menu” property of the object is a boolean that indicates whether the menu item should be displayed in the menu. The “show_in_submenu” property of the object is a boolean that indicates whether the menu item should be displayed in the submenu. The “menu_class” property of the object is the class name of the menu item. The “menu_style” property of the object is the style name of the menu item. The “filter” property of the object is the filter name of the menu item. The “is_active” property of the object is a boolean that indicates whether the menu item is currently active. The “parent” property of the object is the parent menu for the menu item.