How Do I Make a Scrolling Menu in WordPress?

Making a scrolling menu in WordPress is a simple process that can be done in a few minutes. To create a scrolling menu, first make a new menu item in your WordPress menu.

For example, if you want to create a new menu item for your blog post, you would type “post” into the WordPress search bar and then click on the “Add New Menu Item” button.

Once you have created your new menu item, you will need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. The first line of code you will need to add is the following:


The second line of code you will need to add is the following:

function create_menu_item() {

$menu_item = array(

‘name’ => __( ‘Post’),

‘priority’ => 75,

‘position’ => 2,

‘parent_item’ => null,

‘description’ => __( ‘A new post.’ ),

‘access_level’ => 2,



$args = array(

‘post_type’ => ‘post’,

‘position’ => 3,

‘menu_title’ => __( ‘Posts’ ),

‘items’ => $menu_item,

add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘create_menu_item’ );


The third line of code you will need to add is the following:

The final line of code you will need to add is the following:

wp_nav_menu( $menu_item );

Once you have added these lines of code, you will need to save your changes to your functions.php file and then activate the plugin in your WordPress admin area.

Once the plugin has been activated, you will be able to see your new menu item in the WordPress admin area.

To create a scrolling menu in WordPress, you will first need to create a new menu item in your WordPress menu. Next, you will need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress theme’s functions.

php file. The first line of code you will need to add is the following:.