How Do I Change My OG Image on WordPress?

There are a few ways to change your OG image on WordPress. The easiest way is to use the built-in Media Library.

To access the Media Library, click on the Media tab in the admin area, and then select your image. You can also use the Media Library to manage your image files, including adding new files and deleting old files.

If you want to change your OG image without using the Media Library, you can use the wp-admin settings area to change your site’s default image. To do this, open the wp-admin area by clicking on the admin icon in the main toolbar, and then click on settings.

In the settings area, click on the Appearance tab, and then click on the Default Image link. You can then select your new image from the list of available images.

If you want to change your OG image on a live site, you first need to remove the old image from your site. To do this, click on the image that you want to delete, and then click on the trashcan icon next to the image.

Next, click on the Update Files button, and then click on the Remove Files button. Finally, click on the Update button to update your site with the new image.


Changing your OG image on WordPress can be a quick and easy process, depending on how you want to do it. The easiest way is to use the built-in Media Library, while the other option is to use the wp-admin settings area.