How Do I Create a Holding Page in WordPress?

Creating a holding page in WordPress is a great way to manage your website’s visitors. It’s also a great way to generate leads and increase your website’s visibility. The following steps will help you create a holding page in WordPress:

1. First, create a new WordPress site.

2. Next, go to the “WordPress Admin” screen and click on the “Appearance” tab.

3. In the “General” section, scroll down to the “Pages” section and click on the “Add New Page” button.

4. In the “Page Details” screen, enter a title for your holding page and click on the “Publish” button.

5. Finally, go to your website’s front-end and add a “Holding Page” widget to the sidebar.

That’s all you need to do to create a holding page in WordPress. Congratulations! As long as you keep your page updated and relevant, it will help you increase website traffic and generate leads.