What Happens When You Update WordPress Plugins?

Updating WordPress plugins can be a daunting task, but it’s one that is essential for keeping your site running smoothly. When you update a plugin, you’re automatically downloading the latest version from the plugin repository and then installing it on your site.

This process can be a little bit confusing, so here are a few tips to help you update your plugins:

1. Check the plugin’s documentation to see if there is a new version available.

2. Try using the plugin’s “Update Now” button to automatically update the plugin on your site.

3. If the update process is still confusing, you can always contact the plugin author for help.

When you update WordPress plugins, you’re likely to encounter some minor issues. However, because you’re updating the plugin on a live site, these issues can often be fixed quickly.

In the end, updating your plugins is a crucial part of keeping your site running smoothly.