Where Do I Put the OG Image in WordPress?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. You can place the original image file anywhere you want in your WordPress site, as long as you have access to it and can place the file into the correct directory.

In most cases, you will want to place the image file in the same directory as your WordPress document root (the directory in which WordPress stores all of its files).

You can use the wp_ Image() function to easily place an image file into your WordPress site. This function takes two parameters: the filename of the image file you want to place in your site, and the directory in which you want to place it.

For example, the following code will place the image file named myimage.png in the document root of your WordPress site:.

wp_ Image( ‘myimage.png’, ‘wp-content/uploads/’ );

You can also use the wp_get_attachment_image() function to retrieve an image file from a WordPress post or page. This function takes the post ID or page ID as its parameter, and it will return the image file attached to that post or page. For example, the following code will return the image file attached to the post with the ID of 112:

wp_ get_attachment_image( ‘112’, ‘wp-content/uploads/’ );

You can also use the wp_insert_image() function to insert an image into a WordPress post or page. This function takes the post or page ID as its parameter, and it will insert the image file attached to that post or page.

For example, the following code will insert the image file named myimage.png into the post with the ID of 112:.

wp_ insert_image( ‘112’, ‘myimage.png’ );.