How Do I Add Meta Description to WordPress?

Adding a meta description to your WordPress site can help to improve click-through rates (CTRs) and organic search engine visibility.

Meta descriptions are a short, text-based description of your page that appears below the title in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The meta description is particularly important for WordPress sites because it appears in the search engine results when people type in a phrase like “WordPress SEO tips” or “how to optimize WordPress for SEO.”

To add a meta description to your WordPress site, first make sure that you have the correct metadata settings enabled. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s “Settings” page and click on the “Metadata” tab.

Then, under the “Title” heading, click on the “Add a new title” button and enter a descriptive title for your meta description.

Next, under the “Description” heading, enter a short, but compelling, meta description that will help people find and click on your page in search engine results.

Finally, under the “Meta tags” heading, click on the “Add new tag” button and enter a relevant keyword phrase that you want to include in your meta description.

Now, you’re ready to publish your updated metadata settings. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s “Settings” page and click on the “Publishing” tab.

Then, under the “General” heading, click on the “Metadata” tab and click on the “Publish” button.

Your updated metadata settings will now be published and available to be seen by search engines.

If you’d like to experiment with different meta description strategies, you can also try using Google’s “My Sites” tool. This tool allows you to see how different meta descriptions are performing on a site that you control, and you can also experiment with different keyword phrases to see which ones are most effective for your site.

Finally, don’t forget to periodically review your meta description strategy to make sure that it’s still performing as you expect. If it’s not, you can always tweak your metadata settings or experiment with different keyword phrases.