How Do I Add a Meta Description to WordPress?

Adding a meta description to your WordPress posts and pages is an important way to get visitors to know more about what you have to say. A meta description is a short, but powerful, description of your post or page that appears under the title in search engine results.

To add a meta description to a post or page, first click the “ Publish ” button in the WordPress editor. (You can also publish a post or page by clicking the “ Publish ” button in the main WordPress interface.)

” button in the WordPress editor. (You can also publish a post or page by clicking the “ ” button in the main WordPress interface.

) In the “ Publish ” window, click the “ Meta Description ” field.

” field. In the “ Meta Description ” field, type a short, but powerful, description of your post or page.

” field, type a short, but powerful, description of your post or page. Click the “ Publish ” button to publish your post or page.

” button to publish your post or page. Your meta description will now appear under the title of your post or page in search engine results.

As an added bonus, a meta description can also help you attract more visitors to your blog or website. By including a well-written meta description, you can help your site shine above the rest in search engine results.


Adding a meta description to your WordPress posts and pages is an important way to get visitors to know more about what you have to say.

By including a well-written meta description, you can help your site shine above the rest in search engine results.