Where Do I Add Meta Description in WordPress?

Meta Description is an important part of your website’s SEO. It’s a brief but important description of your website that appears in search engine results pages.

Including a meta description can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages.

To add a meta description in WordPress, go to your WordPress Dashboard, click on the “Posts” tab, and then click on the “Add New Post” button. In the “Title” field, type a title for your post, and in the “Content” field, type your post’s content.

Finally, in the “Meta Description” field, type a brief but important description of your post.

Your meta description will appear in the “Meta Description” field of your post’s “Summary” tab. If you want to make your meta description more visible, you can use bold or italics to make it stand out.

Remember: Including a meta description in your posts can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages. so be sure to include one when you create new posts.