Why Does My WordPress Site Look Different in Internet Explorer?

When you visit a WordPress site in Internet Explorer, you may notice that the site looks different than it does in other browsers. This is because Internet Explorer supports a mode called “Enhanced HTML.

” Enhanced HTML is a way of displaying web pages that is different from the standard HTML that most browsers use.

Enhanced HTML allows Internet Explorer to display more information on web pages than other browsers. This includes features like embedded flash videos and animations.

Enhanced HTML also allows Internet Explorer to display web pages in a way that looks more like a desktop application.

Enhanced HTML can cause problems for WordPress sites, because it changes how the site looks and works. This can lead to lost traffic and lower website ranking.

Because of these problems, many WordPress sites opt not to use Enhanced HTML. They instead use the standard HTML that is used by most browsers.

This way, the site looks the same in all browsers, and problems with Enhanced HTML can be avoided.