How Do I Find the Category ID for an Archive in WordPress?

There is no one definitive way to find the category ID for an archive in WordPress. However, several methods are available.

The first option is to use the wp_categories() function. This function can be found in the wp-includes/categories.php file.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s first parameter, which is the archive’s slug. For example, the category ID for the archive called “100 Most Popular Posts of 2016″ would be 1.

The second option is to use the get_the_category() function. This function can be found in the wp-includes/functions.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s second parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The third option is to use the get_the_term_id() function.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s third parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The fourth option is to use the get_the_term() function.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s fourth parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The fifth option is to use the get_the_category_terms() function.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s fifth parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The sixth option is to use the get_the_archive_term_ids() function.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s sixth parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The seventh option is to use the get_the_archive_terms() function.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s seventh parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The eighth option is to use the get_the_category_archive_terms() function.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s eighth parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The ninth option is to use the get_the_archive_term_counts() function.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s ninth parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The tenth option is to use the get_the_term_taxonomy() function. This function can be found in the wp-includes/taxonomy.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s tenth parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The eleventh option is to use the get_the_term_relationships() function. This function can be found in the wp-includes/term-relationships.

The category ID for an archive can be found by using the function’s eleventh parameter, which is the archive’s slug.

The twelfth option is to use the get_the_term_taxonomy_relationships() function. This function can be found in the wp-includes/term-taxonomy-relationships.

php file. The category ID for an archive can.