Why Do You Not See All Plugins on WordPress Multisite Installs?

The problem with plugins on WordPress Multisite installations is that they are not installed automatically. Instead, they must be installed by the administrator of the Multisite installation.

This means that unless the plugin is installed by the administrator, it will not be visible to users on their individual WordPress Multisite installs.

There are a few reasons why plugins might not be installed on WordPress Multisite installations. First, the administrator might not have installed the plugin.

Second, the plugin might not be compatible with WordPress Multisite. Third, the plugin might not be installed on all of the Multisite installations.

If an administrator installs a plugin on a Multisite installation, it will be available to users on their individual Multisite installs. However, if a user does not have the plugin installed, they will not be able to access it.

This can be a problem if the plugin is important to the user’s website.

Plugin compatibility is a big issue with WordPress Multisite. The plugin system was designed for single site WordPress installations.

Because WordPress Multisite is a variation of WordPress, some plugins might not work correctly on Multisite.

Another issue is that not all Multisite installations have the same plugins installed. If a plugin is not installed on all of the Multisite installations, users will not be able to access it.

Overall, it is not always easy for plugins to be installed on WordPress Multisite installations. This is because the plugins are not automatically installed, and users need to take action to install them.