Why Is WordPress Not Adding New Plugins?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of website owners worldwide. It offers a wide variety of features and plugins to help site owners manage their content.

However, some recent reports suggest that WordPress is not adding new plugins as quickly as it used to. This has led some site owners to believe that WordPress is no longer as active as it once was.

WordPress is a complex platform with a large community of developers. It is not surprising that new plugins are not being added as quickly as they once were.

However, this does not mean that WordPress is no longer active or that it is no longer useful. WordPress is still one of the most popular content management systems in use today.

Some site owners have suggested that WordPress is no longer as useful because of the changes made to the platform in recent years. These changes include the introduction of the Gutenberg editor and the block editor.

These new editors are different from the older version of the WordPress editor and some site owners have found them difficult to use.

Overall, WordPress is still a popular platform with a large community of developers. It is still a useful tool for website owners.