Why Don’t I See Plugins on My WordPress Dashboard?

If you are using WordPress, you are likely using plugins. However, according to a study by W3Techs, only about 30 percent of WordPress websites use plugins.

There are a few reasons why this might be the case.

First, plugins can be a bit of a challenge to manage. You need to be sure you have the right version of the plugin installed, and that updates are being installed correctly.

If you’re not comfortable managing plugins, you may not want to use them at all.

Second, plugin installation can be time-consuming. If you’re using a plugin that’s not widely available, it may take a long time for someone to find and add it to their WordPress site.

That means that your site may not be able to take advantage of the features the plugin offers until after the plugin has been added.

Third, plugins can be expensive. If you’re using a plugin that’s popular, it may cost you money to get it installed.

If you’re not using a popular plugin, you may not be able to find a plugin that meets your needs for free.

All of these factors may lead you to decide not to use plugins on your WordPress site. However, there are some plugins that can work without them.

If you’re looking for a plugin that can do something specific, you may be able to find one that does not require a plugin to be installed.