Why Can’t I See My Menu in WordPress?

Menu visibility can be a frustrating problem for WordPress users. While it is possible to create custom menus and add them to individual posts and pages, many WordPress users find that their menus are not visible by default.

There are a few reasons why this might be the case.

One reason is that custom menus might not be associated with any specific post or page. If a custom menu is not associated with a specific post or page, it will not be included in the post or page’s menu.

WordPress also allows users to add custom menus to individual posts and pages, but this can be a time-consuming process.

Another reason for menu visibility problems is that custom menus might not be configured correctly. If menus are not configured correctly, they might not be included in posts or pages.

Additionally, custom menus might not be displayed correctly in the WordPress admin area. If menus are not displayed correctly, users might not be able to see them or use them.