Where Is Post Revisions in WordPress?

Post revisions are a powerful feature in WordPress that allow you to keep track of changes to your posts and pages. However, where is post revisions stored in WordPress?

Post revisions are stored in a special database table called “wp_revisions”. This table is located in the WordPress database, and it’s specifically designed for use with post revisions.

When you make a change to a post or page in WordPress, the changes are first checked to see if they’re compatible with the current version of the post or page. If the change is compatible, the change is then saved to the post or page.

If the change is not compatible, the change is saved to the “wp_revisions” table instead. The “wp_revisions” table is designed specifically for post revisions, and it contains all of the information that you need to track the changes that you’ve made to a post or page.

The “wp_revisions” table is also the place where post revisions are stored when you use the “post revisions” feature in the “wp_admin” screen. When you use the “post revisions” feature, WordPress automatically saves all of the changes that you make to a post or page to the “wp_revisions” table.

Finally, post revisions are also stored in the “wp_content” database table. This is the table that’s used to store the content of a post or page.

However, post revisions are only stored in this table if you use the “post revisions” feature in the “wp_admin” screen.

So, where is post revisions stored in WordPress?

Post revisions are stored in the “wp_revisions” table in the WordPress database, and they’re also stored in the “wp_content” database table if you use the “post revisions” feature in the “wp_admin” screen.