Where Do I Find Page Attributes in WordPress?

When you create a new WordPress post, you can edit the title, body, and other basic information. However, where you can really flex your creative muscles is in the page attributes area.

Here you can control things like the layout, colors, and fonts used on the post.

To get to the page attributes area, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the post editor. This will open the Page Attributes window.

From here, you can control all sorts of things, like the title, content, sidebar, and footer.

If you want to change just one attribute, like the font used in the content, you can simply click on the font icon and choose your own from the list. If you want to change all the attributes at once, click on the “All Attributes” button at the top of the window.

The great thing about page attributes is that you can completely customize your posts to match your own personal style. So if you’re looking to add a little extra pizzazz to your blog posts, head over to the page attributes area and start tweaking things to your heart’s content!.