How Do I Change Meta Tags in WordPress?

Meta tags are essential for optimizing the visibility of your content on the web. Unfortunately, most WordPress users don’t know how to change meta tags.

Fortunately, WordPress provides a simple and straightforward way to change meta tags. To change meta tags in WordPress:

1. Open the WordPress admin area.

2. Go to the “Settings” menu.

3. Click on “General.”

4. In the “Meta tags” section, click on the “Edit” button.

5. In the “Meta tag” editor, enter the meta tags you want to use.

6. Click on the “Save” button.

7. Your meta tags will be updated.

8. Click on the “Back to Posts” button to return to your posts.

9. Your changes will be effective now.


Changing meta tags in WordPress is a simple and straightforward process, and it can help optimize the visibility of your content on the web.