How Do I Enable Page Attributes in WordPress?

Page Attributes in WordPress

There are a few different ways to enable page attributes in WordPress. The easiest way is to go to the Settings screen and under the “Appearance” tab, scroll down to the “Page Attributes” section.

Here, you can select the “Enable page attributes” checkbox and then choose which attributes you want to enable.

Once you’ve enabled page attributes, you can use the attribute functions in the WordPress editor to add attributes to your pages. For example, you can use the the “get_the_title()” function to get the title of your page, the “get_the_author()” function to get the author of your page, and the “get_the_modified_time()” function to get the date and time your page was last modified.

Finally, you can use the “add_page_attribute()” function to add an attribute to a specific page. For example, you could use this function to add a “page_title” attribute to the page named “My Page”.