What Size Should a WordPress Header Image Be?

When creating a header image for your WordPress site, you may have a few different options to choose from.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a header image for your WordPress site:

-The size of the image should be relative to the size of your site.
-The image should be eye-catching and memorable.

-The image should be appropriate for your website theme.

When choosing a header image for your WordPress site, you should keep the following things in mind:

The size of the image should be relative to the size of your site.

If your site is small, then a smaller image may be more appropriate. If your site is larger, then a larger image may be more appropriate.

The image should be eye-catching and memorable.

The image should be appropriate for your website theme.

Finally, make sure that the image is in a format that WordPress can use. Images that are in *.jpg, *.png, *.

gif, or *.bmp formats will work with WordPress. If you have an image that is in a different format, you can convert it to one of these formats before uploading it to your WordPress site.