What Size Image Is Best for WordPress?

There is no definitive answer when it comes to the best size image for WordPress. Ultimately, the best decision is based on the specific needs of your website and blog.

Generally speaking, the more images you have on your site, the slower it will load. Therefore, it’s important to choose images that are small enough to load quickly without sacrificing quality.

Generally, images that are smaller than 100KB will load quickly enough, while images that are larger may take a bit longer to load but will be of better quality. Images that are between 100KB and 1MB are usually good choices.

When it comes to resolution, the higher the resolution the image is, the better the quality. However, because most people’s internet connections are not as fast as they would like, it’s important to keep the resolution low enough so that the image will still load quickly.

The best resolution for images on WordPress sites is usually 300DPI. Once again, it’s important to keep in mind that most people’s internet connections are not as fast as they would like, so keep the resolution low enough so that the image will still load quickly.

Ultimately, the best size image for WordPress is one that is small, low resolution, and fast to load.