What Size Should My Image Be for WordPress?

When setting up a WordPress blog, you need to decide on a few important details. One of these is the size of your images.

WordPress will use a variety of factors to determine the size of an image, including its width and height, the size of the image file, and the resolution of the image.

Generally speaking, WordPress will use an image’s width and height to determine its size. If an image is smaller than the width or height of the blog post it’s appearing in, WordPress will scale the image to fit.

If an image is larger than the width or height of the post, WordPress will crop the image to fit.

WordPress also uses the size of the image file to determine its size. If the image is smaller than 1 MB, WordPress will use the file’s size to determine the size of the image.

If the image is larger than 1 MB, WordPress will use the file’s size and the resolution of the image to determine the size of the image.

Finally, WordPress uses the resolution of the image to determine the size of the image. If the image has a resolution of 72 dpi, WordPress will use 72 dpi as the size of the image.

If the image has a resolution of 300 dpi, WordPress will use 300 dpi as the size of the image.