What Happens When You Archive a Post on WordPress?

When you archive a post on WordPress, the content is moved to the post archive. The post archive is a list of all the posts that have been published on your site.

You can find the post archive by clicking on the Posts menu item in the main WordPress admin area, or by clicking on the Posts menu item in the Posts tab of the blog editor.

When you archive a post, the post is moved to the post archive and the following things happen:

The post is removed from the front-end of your website.

The post’s category is changed to ‘Archived.’

The post’s published date is changed to the date the post was archived.

The post’s author is changed to ‘Archivist.’

The post’s meta data is changed to include the post archive ID.

If you want to restore a post that has been archived, you first have to unarchive it. To unarchive a post, you first have to find the post archive ID. To find the post archive ID, you first have to find the post’s published date. To find the post’s published date, you first have to find the post’s ID.

To find the post’s ID, you first have to find the post’s title. To find the post’s title, you first have to find the post’s excerpt. To find the post’s excerpt, you first have to find the post’s content.