What Is the Use of Archive Page in WordPress?

Archive pages are a great way to organize your posts and keep them organized. They are also a great way to show off your blog’s content.

You can use archive pages to show off your most recent posts, your top posts, or even a specific category of posts.

You can also use archive pages to show off your blog’s history. For example, you might put all of your old posts on an archive page.

This way, you can easily see what your blog used to look like, and you can see how your blog has evolved over time.

Finally, archive pages are a great way to keep track of your blog’s stats. For example, you can track how many people have viewed your latest post, how many people have clicked through to your latest post, or how many people have commented on your latest post.

Overall, archive pages are a great way to keep your blog organized, show off your blog’s content, and track your blog’s stats.