What Happens When You Clone a Page in WordPress?

Cloning a WordPress page is a quick way to duplicate a website or blog post. When you clone a page, WordPress creates a copy of the page with the same name and content.

You can then edit the copy as you would any other page.

Cloning a page is useful when you want to create a copy of a page for your own use or when you need to share a page with someone else. You can also clone a page to create a backup of your website.

Cloning a page is not the same as copying a page. When you copy a page, you copy the entire page, including the content and any media files.

Copying a page is useful when you want to make a copy of a page for your own use or when you need to share a page with someone else.

Cloning a page is quick and easy, but be careful not to copy the wrong page. If you clone a page that does not exist, WordPress creates a new page with the same name and content.