What Are Tags on WordPress Blog?

Tagging is a feature on WordPress that allows you to categorize your posts and pages. When you tag a post, it automatically puts it in the “Tags” category on the post editor page.

You can also tag posts and pages on the front-end by clicking on the “Tags” link in the post editor footer.

When you tag a post, it also adds the tag name to the post’s title on the front-end. You can see all the posts that have been tagged with a particular tag by clicking on the tag name in the posts list on the front-end.

Tags are a great way to organize your blog posts and make it easy for people to find posts that interest them. Tags also make it easy for you to find posts that you’ve written in the past, and for other bloggers to find posts that are relevant to their interests.

tags are a great way to organize your blog posts and make it easy for people to find posts that interest them.