What Is the Use of Tags in WordPress Post?

Tags are a way to categorize posts in WordPress. When a post is tagged with a certain keyword, WordPress will display that tag when the post is sorted in the WordPress blog post listing.

In addition, when a post is tagged, other WordPress blog posts that are tagged with the same keyword will be displayed in a list on the post’s author’s blog page.

Tags can be a valuable way to organize your blog posts. For example, you might use tags to group posts about your favorite topics, or to categorize posts according to the type of information they contain (e.g.

blog posts about recipes, blog posts about fashion, etc.).

Tags can also be a helpful way to find posts that you’re looking for. For example, if you’re looking for posts about a specific topic, you can search for posts that are tagged with that topic.

Tags can be a great way to help your readers find the posts that they’re interested in. For example, if you’re writing a post about a topic that’s relevant to your readers, you can tag that post with the appropriate tags.

tags are a way to group posts together on a WordPress blog. They are also a way to help you find posts you are looking for on your site.