How Do You Add a Photo Gallery to WordPress?

Adding a photo gallery to WordPress can be a lot of work. You have to decide what type of gallery you want, add the appropriate plugin, set up the gallery grid, and populate it with photos.

Here are four tips to make the process easier.

1. Use a gallery plugin

Most WordPress themes come with a built-in photo gallery, but if you want more control over the layout and how the photos are displayed, you’ll want to use a plugin. There are dozens of plugins available, so it’s best to search for “gallery” in the WordPress plugin repository and select the one that looks best for your needs.

2. Choose a gallery layout

The layout of the gallery is up to you. You can use a grid layout, which is a simple list of thumbnails along the top of the page, or you can use a more complex layout that allows for more flexibility in how the photos are displayed.

3. Choose a photo gallery grid layout

The grid layout is also up to you. You can use a default grid layout that WordPress comes with, or you can create your own custom layout.

4. Add photos to the gallery

Once you’ve chosen a gallery layout and plugin, you’ll need to add the photos to the gallery. You can do this manually by uploading each photo to the server and adding it to the gallery, or you can use a photo uploader plugin to handle the process for you.