How Do I Make a Photo Gallery in WordPress?

Making a photo gallery in WordPress is not as difficult as one might think. In fact, there are several different plugins available that make this task a breeze.

In this article, we will describe two popular plugins – WP Gallery and Thumbnail Gallery. Afterwards, we will provide a few tips on how to create a photo gallery in WordPress using these plugins.

WP Gallery

WP Gallery is a popular plugin that makes creating a photo gallery in WordPress a breeze. Simply add the WP Gallery plugin to your WordPress site, and then add images to your posts or pages.

WP Gallery will automatically create gallery thumbnails and place them in the post or page content. You can also customize the placement and appearance of the gallery thumbnails.

Thumbnail Gallery

Thumbnail Gallery is another popular plugin that makes creating a photo gallery in WordPress a breeze. Similar to WP Gallery, Thumbnail Gallery requires no set up – simply add it to your WordPress site and add images.

Thumbnail Gallery will automatically create gallery thumbnails and place them in the post or page content.

In conclusion, both WP Gallery and Thumbnail Gallery are easy to use plugins that make creating a photo gallery in WordPress a breeze.