How Do I Use Custom CSS on a Specific Page in WordPress?

Custom CSS is a great way to personalize your WordPress site and make it look unique. There are a few steps you need to take to use custom CSS on a specific page:

1. Access the Custom CSS tab in the WordPress admin area.

2. Click on the “Add New Custom CSS Rule” button.

3. Enter the custom CSS code in the “Custom CSS Code” text field.

4. Click on the “Save Custom CSS Rule” button.

5. Your custom CSS rule will be added to the list of CSS rules in the “Custom CSS Rules” section.

6. Click on the link next to the rule to open the rule in the WordPress editor.

7. Make any changes to the CSS code, and then click on the “Save” button.

8. Your custom CSS rule will be applied to the page you are editing, and the “Update Custom CSS” button will be enabled.

9. Click on the “Delete Custom CSS Rule” button to remove the custom CSS rule from the list of CSS rules.

10. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes to the page.

The custom CSS code you enter in the “Custom CSS Code” field will be applied to all the pages in your WordPress site that use the same theme. If you want to apply custom CSS to a specific page in your WordPress site, you will need to add the custom CSS code to the CSS rule for that page, and then save the changes.