How Do I Put My Instagram Feed on My WordPress Website?

Instagram is a popular photo and video sharing platform with over 450 million active users. It’s easy to put your Instagram feed on your WordPress website using a few simple steps.

First, log in to your Instagram account. Then, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.

This will open the Settings page for your account.

On the Settings page, click on the Apps button. This will open the App Settings page for your account.

On the App Settings page, under the Instagram section, click on the link to Add an App. This will open the Add an App page.

On the Add an App page, under the Instagram section, click on the link to Add a Website. This will open the Add a Website page.

On the Add a Website page, under the Instagram section, enter your WordPress website address in the Website field. You can also enter any custom values you want to set for your website in the Other Settings field.

Click on the Add button to add your website to your Instagram account.

Your website will now be added to your Instagram account and you can start sharing your photos and videos on your WordPress website!.