How Do I Add a Popover to WordPress?

Adding a popover to WordPress is as simple as adding a shortcode to your posts and pages. Here’s how to add a popover to a post:

1. Add the following shortcode to the post or page where you want the popover to appear:

[popover id=”my-popover” class=”popover-box”]

2. Replace “my-popover” with the ID of the popover you want to create.

3. Replace “class” with the class name you want to assign to the popover box.

4. Add any content you want to appear inside the popover box.

That’s all there is to it! Your popover will now appear where you specified it in the post or page.

To add a popover to a page, use the following shortcode:


To add a popover to a post with comments enabled, use the following shortcode:

[popover id=”my-popover” class=”popover-box comment-popover”]

To add a popover to a post with comments disabled, use the following shortcode:.