How Do I Add PayPal Code to WordPress?

Adding PayPal code to WordPress is a fairly simple process, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you will need to find the PayPal QR code generator. Once you have the code, you can add it to your WordPress site by following these steps:

1. Go to your WordPress site and locate the “Settings” menu item.

2. Click on the “Settings” menu item and then select the “PayPal” tab.

3. On the “PayPal” tab, locate the “Sign In” form and enter your PayPal username and password.

4. Click on the “Sign In” button and then locate the “QR Code” tab.

5. Click on the “QR Code” tab and then locate the “Generate QR Code” button.

6. Click on the “Generate QR Code” button and then scan the QR code that was generated.

7. Click on the “Save Changes” button and then reload your WordPress site.

8. Click on the “PayPal” tab and then locate the “Add Payment Method” form.

9. Enter the PayPal username and password that you entered in step 3 and then click on the “Add Payment Method” button.

10. Click on the “Test” button and then click on the “Submit” button.

11. Click on the “Back to PayPal” button and then confirm that the payment was processed.

12. Congratulations! Your PayPal code has been added to your WordPress site.