How Do I Make Text Slides in WordPress?

If you want to create text slides in WordPress, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, you’ll need to create a new slide template.

To do this, go to your Dashboard, and under Themes, click on Slides. From here, you can select the New Slide Template option.

Once you’ve created your new slide template, you’ll need to add some text to it. To do this, click on the Text tab and then enter your text into the fields that appear.

You can also add images to your slides, but we won’t cover that in this article.

Now that your slides are ready, you’ll need to add them to your WordPress site. To do this, go to your Dashboard, and under Posts, click on the Add New Post button.

In the Title field, enter a name for your slide, and then in the Body field, enter the text that you want to appear on the slide.

Finally, you’ll need to add a Slide Gallery to your site. To do this, go to your Dashboard, and under Appearance, click on the Slides Gallery tab.

In the Title field, enter a title for your slide gallery, and in the Files field, enter the path to the folder where you want your slides to appear.

Now that your slides are up and running, you can use them to create a unique and interactive website. If you have any questions about how to make text slides in WordPress, feel free to contact us.